Thursday July 14, 2011
Thursday morning …… dry and no rain. We were excited and off to the Mayan Families office. We were scheduled to give away chickens. So, part of our troupe headed out to build stoves while others began weighing ground corn to be given as chicken feed. The Mayan families waited patiently as the chickens arrived. The line formed and the chickens were handed out three at a time. Who knew chickens were so much fun!?!?
Later, we hurried and organized ourselves to go to El Burranco. Due to weather and road conditions, we took the long way. More stoves were built for needy families and a play structure was built at the preschool. We were treated to a beautiful dance/music performance by the children.
The evening time brought a little shopping in the rain and dinner back at our hotel.
We look forward to more adventures manana (tomorrow). All of our amigos are healthy and happy to be serving here in Guatemala. Many needs have been met today and we feel blessed.