Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Sewing Machines are on their way to Guatemala!

It has taken some time to get everything together, but 42 brand-new sewing machines are on their way to Guatemala to help Mayan Families with their sewing program for impoverished women!  Through one of our board members, Sue S., we had the chance to meet Marcia F.  Marcia F. is on the board of another charity that has been helping a school and orphanage in Haiti for many years.  These sewing machines were on their way to Haiti when they were so terribly affected by the earthquake – and different needs overrode “normal” needs.  After talking, Marcia decided to donate the White brand sewing machines to Nuestros Niños! 

Matt taking the sewing machine to the Alberto's work area.

We wanted to be sure that Mayan Families could utilize them in their sewing program before sending them down – so Matt & I took one this summer in our checked suitcases.  Alberto, the sewing teacher, opened the sewing machine up in his “work area” – a 12’x12’ room that is also used for donations and meeting with families.  After meeting with Dwight, one of Mayan Families founders, & Alberto we were able to confirm they could use them!
Then it was time to figure out how to get them to Guatemala.  We figured out many years ago that it is not as easy to mail a package to Guatemala.  When Trevor was being fostered by his loving foster family, we sent down a cubic foot package.  For shipping & customs (which doesn’t seem to have “hard and fast” rules), it cost us over $400! That was a shocker!  We have since come across a company that will ship door to door – and deal with customs – for a set price for box – at a much better rate.  However, we needed to cross the language barrier and negotiate down the cost.  Thanks, John G. and Chelsea K. for the help with this part!  Finally after doing that, we needed to find the funding to ship the 42 sewing machines.  Thankfully, a corporate sponsor, Bailey Sales donated the funds to cover the shipping.
So, on a cold Tuesday morning (election day), Josie, Trevor, Allison, and I went over and got the sewing machines.  Wow, was the car packed!  The kids even had the machines crammed around them for the short ride back to the house.  It became a perfect opportunity to talk with the kids about why we were getting the sewing machines and how they were able to help also.  So – they pitched in and unloaded them into the garage with me!

We somehow figured out a way to fit all 42 sewing machines into the car!

The 3 Critters helping to unload the van.

Linda M., Beki B., and Jonathan B. came over one day last week and helped us pack the sewing machines into the boxes.  It was one cold afternoon in the garage, but it was nice to spend time with friends doing something to help others!  We also were able to pack many toys, stuffed animals, clothes, and bedding materials around the sewing machines.  Thanks to everyone that donated all of these items!   Allison had even decided to spend some of her money earlier in the day at the school’s holiday shop to buy a stuffed animal to send down – with no prompting from her parents. J  The purple princess bear made it into the package – and is now on its way to Guatemala!

Medrano Shipping picked up the boxes last Thursday, Dec. 2nd, and Luis, the very strong driver, told me he thought they would be there by the first of January!  I can’t wait to see pictures of Mayan Families getting the boxes and hearing of the women that are helped with these sewing machines!

For more information on Mayan Families Sewing Program, there are several blog posts by Sharon Smart-Poage.

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