Thursday, July 14, 2011

Adventures in the Rain

Yesterday (Wednesday) we were supposed to go to El Barranco, but this is Guatemala in the rainy season.  There were two mudslides on the road between Pana and El Barranco blocking us from traveling to the preschool.  We split up into groups and set out to build stoves in Pana and sort more donations at Mayan Families.  After a very soggy morning, we enjoyed a hot soup lunch provided by the wonderful Mayan Families staff.  Many of us have decided to sponsor children for school and were surprised after lunch by getting to meet the kids we were sponsoring.  While sponsors stayed to meet their children, other team members set out to build more stoves and take the kids back to the hotel for some chill time.  Some of us also helped the local economy and went shopping. Eventually, we all returned to the hotel soaked and sleepy.  For dinner, a friend of Mayan Families, Mathilda, treated us to a wonderful dinner at an apartment across town. 

This morning we are awaiting the plans as the roads are still blocked.  We still hope to make it to El Barranco for the dance group and cultural experience there.  Hope you are all well and haveing as great of a week as we are!

1 comment:

  1. Tell Linda McCroskey her neighbor says hello and you guys are doing great things!
