Friday, July 8, 2011

Here Goes!

I should be in bed. Really. And I hope all of the Knoxville people leaving at 5:55AM are already snoozing.

A bit earlier today (yesterday, now) I was thinking, "How is it ever going to get done?" Clean house, pack, learn Spanish, get everyone ready? I might as well mark off "learn Spanish." Most people would grasp that if they don't already know a language, that they are not going to learn to speak it fluently in 24 hours' time. I seem to lack that capacity for reason. Oh wait, there's that faint voice..."No hablo Espanol. Embrace it with humility, Nan!" So that will likely be the theme of this trip for me--the language, the people, the work.

I am certain to encounter physical labor that challenges me. Embrace it with humility. Don't try to be a hero and throw my back out in the process. I will do what I am able with love and try not to complain.

I am certain to misunderstand and be misunderstood, by both English speakers with I am traveling, as well as people in Guatemala. I must be prepared to yield and learn. Embrace it with humility.

I am likely to encounter heart-breaking poverty. Though I can share with others, serve them, and help lighten someone's burden temporarily, I cannot change a person's life or circumstances, no matter how good my intentions. I will embrace them with humility and offer what I have: a compassionate smile, listening ear, willingness to help where I am able. I go to learn and understand, so that I grow deeper compassion for the people of Guatemala, hoping that the faces and personalities I encounter will remind me daily why it is vital that I share the resources with which I've been blessed. And I know they will teach me much.

Looking forward to the adventure!

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